Who needs a login
You need a login ID to enter match results, to enter comments on matches or to upload a picture. As well as having a login ID you need an organisation owner to add you as a user of that organisation.
If you didn't get the welcome email for new login id
Usually this is because the email got put into a SPAM/Junk mail folder.
Some email providers have a web based junk email folder so check there also.
If you want to get the email again see below.
I forgot my password or login ID
Go to
My Account then
Request New Password. Enter your email address and it should reset your password and send you another email with login
instructions. NOTE: you can do this on somebody elses behalf if you logoff
yourself first.
Constantly getting logged off
Make sure that your browser security settings allows cookies.
Access denied
- Using the https:// url, not the http:// one.
- If setting a password for the first time, don't accept the terms and
conditions until it prompts you again after the password is saved.